Thyroid, Parathyroid, & Neck Mass


At Brooklyn ENT & Allergy, we’re able to effectively treat thyroid, parathyroid, and other diseases of the head and neck. If necessary, we partner with our trusted network of endocrinologists and other specialists to give you the full spectrum of care you need.

Thyroid, Parathyroid, & Neck Mass FAQS


I was told I have a thyroid nodule, what should I do about it?

Thyroid nodules and cysts are very common occurrences in our bodies. Even though they are not considered normal, over 95% of them are benign and do not ever need any significant medical intervention. Thyroid nodules come in many different shapes and sizes and how they look on an ultrasound (sonogram) determines how we approach the problem. The majority can be conservatively managed with repeat ultrasound to monitor for changes in size or other characteristics. Sometimes the imaging findings are concerning enough to warrant a biopsy of the nodule to determine if any further action is needed. Some nodules need to be removed either because they are very large and cause issues with breathing or swallowing, or there is enough concern that the nodule has cancerous cells.

Can I have my biopsy done in the office?

While we occasionally perform thyroid biopsies in the office, it is only possible if the nodule is very large and palpable. The majority of nodules are small and because the thyroid gland lies deep in the neck, it is best to perform the biopsy under ultrasound guidance. We work very closely with several very experienced radiology facilities and pathologists to expedite the care of our patients that need thyroid and neck biopsies. 

How do I know if my thyroid gland is working appropriately?

The thyroid gland is a hormone producing gland that is vital to life by regulating our metabolism. When we either make too much or too little thyroid hormone, our bodies will respond in many different ways, including classic symptoms of weight loss or weight gain, respectively. Simple blood tests can help determine how your thyroid is functioning. While Dr. Pantelides has extensive experience as a thyroid surgeon, when there are concerns about thyroid function we will often work closely with our network  of endocrinologists to help manage and control your symptoms related to your thyroid activity. 

What are parathyroid glands?

Parathyroid glands are four small hormone producing glands that help regulate the amount of calcium circulating in our body. These glands actually have nothing to do with the thyroid itself other than that they lie underneath the thyroid gland. Occasionally, one or more of the parathyroid glands can become hyperactive and produce too much hormone. When this occurs, patients can develop symptoms including recurrent kidney stones, constipation, fatigue, depression and muscle aches. If it is discovered that the source of the problem is an enlarged and overactive parathyroid gland, surgery will often be curative. Dr. Pantelides performs a number of parathyroidectomies every year. 

I have a bump on my neck and I’m scared it’s something dangerous - what should I do?

The neck is a very complex segment of our body that houses hundreds of structures including muscles, glands, nerves and blood vessels. Any one of these structures can sometimes present as a neck mass. The vast majority of neck masses are benign and often resolve on their own, but occasionally these neck masses require further investigation first with a complete head and neck exam in the office and sometimes with imaging studies including ultrasounds, CT scans or MRIs. Occasionally, a needle biopsy is needed to further characterize the mass, and sometimes a neck mass simply needs to be removed surgically. It is important to remember that while a neck mass is a scary thing to discover, the majority are benign. However, depending on your age and other risk factors including your smoking and alcohol history, environmental exposures, and sexual practices the need for further evaluation should never be ignored. If you have questions or concerns the best thing is to come in and have it checked out.

If you are suffering from thyroid or parathyroid issues or are concerned about a neck mass, get in touch with Brooklyn ENT & Allergy here to schedule an appointment.